Friday, October 4, 2013

The Faces Of Facebook

I stubbled across this website a couple of days ago and I thought it was awesome. The Faces of Facebook is a website that take every single person on Facebook's icon picture and then complies then into one huge picture chronologically and was so popular a couple of days ago the entire wedsite crashed. 

You can zoom in to the picture to be able to find profile pictures of people around the world. You can now even link the website with your facebook to be able to find yourself and all your other friends in the picture. 

Before you start freaking out that some creeper will  find you, A) There is a one in a (litteral) billion chance that someone will find your picture and B) It's completely legal. Natalie Rojas, the programer of the website says:

“Relax, We’re not breaking any Facebook privacy rules because we don’t store anyones private information, pictures or names. We’ve just found a harmless way to show 1,260,866,093 Facebook profile pictures and organize them in chronological order”

Check it out!

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